Hello! My name is Jenna Piwowarczyk, and I’m so excited to be a part of the K2 team! I’ve been interested in politics and political communications for years, and I’m eager to put my passion to use at K2 & Co. I’m a freshman at Liberty University studying Government Science, specializing in Politics and Public Policy. After graduation, I look forward to continuing my career within the political realm.
My interest in politics dates back to my early high school years when I first traveled to attend Young America Foundation conferences around the country. Since then, I created Wisconsin’s first high school Young America’s Foundation chapter at my high school, organizing events, projects, and communications. I learned so much from that experience, and I’m grateful to continue my involvement in the conservative movement with other local college clubs!
In addition to my involvement with Young America’s Foundation, I’ve written several op-ed articles on political issues for a top news site and appeared on talk radio multiple times. I am also working with Former Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch’s 1848 Project, helping to train candidates for local office positions.
The experience I will gain through K2 & Company will be priceless, and I look forward to applying the knowledge gained from K2 to my future career. Understanding and participating in what happens behind the scenes of any political campaign is intriguing, and I’m so excited to learn more about the process.
-Jenna Piwowarczyk