Finding the right event space is not an exact science. The process is going to be very different for every person you talk to and you can certainly make any space the right space for you if you have the budget. While not everyone has unlimited funds to make any space work, we are lucky enough to live and work in the Twin Cities and are surrounded by so many great spaces, especially for small to midsize events!

When K2 tries to find a venue we often think about spaces that already have that character and only need a few small additions to make the space pop and feel warm and inviting. Many of our personal favorite spots are located in Minneapolis (a consequence of living and working in that area for a decade). Solar Arts has been around for quite a while but is still one of our favorite hidden gems above Indeed Brewery. It is a quirky space with little visible nooks in an old northeast Minneapolis building that is the perfect blue to compliment the older features in the space. And the parking has significantly improved over the years. Close by are The Whim which is a newer space with lots of windows, MPLS Event Centers has multiple spaces and is just off the river, and Holden Room is an all-white versatile space connected to a coffee shop you can also rent next to the Minneapolis Farmers Market. Quincy Hall popped on the map and has quickly become one of the best gala spaces in the area. It is a great size space and can be split with a giant curtain or kept open depending on your needs.

Don’t sleep on St Paul as they have excellent spaces with views like at Abulae. Some of our favorite events we have been to have been at The University Club of Saint Paul which has many smaller rooms that can make an event very intimate, Lowertown Event Center is in the basement of a building right off of Mears Park with so much character and St Paul Athletic club’s architecture is incredible. New to the area is The Essence Event Center. We have yet to be at an event there and hope to plan one in that space in the near future.

Adding in some venues we have worked with recently that are worth a look just outside of the cities:

Olympic Hills Golf Club: The grounds are just as beautiful as the club itself and it has a balcony across the back where you can sit and enjoy the view with a cocktail.

Golden Valley Country Club: A great layout for just about any event.

Minneapolis Marriott Southwest: Beautifully decorated inside with ample parking and is a great location not too far from the airport.

If you are still struggling to find a great space after this list or are not sure how to navigate the venue search let’s chat. K2 loves a good site visit. Be sure to tell us what your favorite spaces are so we can add them to our list!

