Connecting Real People to the Issues That Matter
Working in politics every day, it can be easy to get a bit jaded and lose sight that what we do has a real impact. In many ways, it is a blessing to understand and be able to navigate our complex political system at all levels of government and across numerous states...
Being a First-Time Voter in 2024
As someone who will be voting for the first time in November, I find myself feeling a sense of excitement and responsibility. I know this election is monumental not only because it is my first, but also because it will greatly determine the future of the nation I am...
Before You Step On Stage
Not too fast! Before your candidate steps foot on the debate stage, there’s a lot of work that goes into preparing that you may or may not see – from negotiating with the hosts of the debate, to prepping the candidates for the big night and making sure you are...
One Year as a Political Intern: Insights Gained
The behind-the-scenes of political work is often overlooked by the general public - myself included. In a world of mic-drop debate moments and catchy talking points, understanding the work that goes into each press release, media training, and social media post is...
Leadership in Action: Growing with the Greater Stillwater Chamber
The K2 and Co. Events Department continues to grow, breaking ground in new areas and challenging ourselves to provide the best experience for our clients possible. Our team recently joined the Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce and it’s been my great pleasure...
Local News Coverage Can Make Or Break Your Race
In a candidate’s tightly managed campaign schedule, every minute is planned out, often days or weeks in advance. There are only a handful of things that can take priority and push their way into schedules at a moment's notice – deep-pocketed donors and national media...
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