No matter your budget there are small things you can do to take an event from good to exceptional. As K2 starts to ramp up for this year’s upcoming events with our clients, we are reflecting on some trends that are surging in the decor space.

The price of decor and the operation of events has gone up in recent years as companies are trying to be more environmentally conscious. Focusing on sustainability at your event could mean small changes like limiting unnecessary lanyards, plastic name tags and signage, but becomes a marketable feature to your attendees. Additionally, being mindful by using recyclable materials, opting for biodegradable confetti and renting decor pieces instead of always buying new. K2 is building event packages for companies to rent decor items from our warehouse, a new offering we expect to take off in the coming months as the event season heats up.

Bold colors are back! Gone are the days when everyone wanted plain white, black or gold. Using a bright color in some aspects of your event can really bring a theme together and make an event memorable for guests. This could be adapted by using colored glassware, featuring one color in your tablescape in addition to neutrals or a pop of color in napkins. Finding that tasteful balance between bold and fun but not distracting is key.

Finally, bring your event into the 21st century. For weddings, couples have shifted away from the traditional signed guest book and opted for a more digital version. Imagine reliving your special day with the ability to revisit heartfelt photos, videos, and audio messages. Including a photo booth where guests can easily access their photos remotely after any event from weddings to galas is a way to leave a lasting impact. Not only does it give guests a way to share their experiences with others and post on social media, but it is free advertising for your business every time a photobooth image with your logo gets posted. Lastly, offering events virtually or including virtual aspects in addition to in person is something that is becoming increasingly popular after the pandemic and opens your audience regardless of geographic location.

At K2 we strive to think creatively to provide our clients with the best possible experience so their events are talked about for years to come.

-Megan Linder
