My name is Mia Wajda. I am currently a senior business administration student at North Central University in Minneapolis, and I hope to work in international business relations someday. I have spent most of my life moving back and forth between the USA and southern China. I returned permanently to the USA my sophomore year of high school and have remained in Minnesota since.

I have always enjoyed writing and working with others, so I am very excited to be a part of the amazing K2 team. I have just started my internship and am already extremely impressed with the quality of work and dedication I have seen here at K2. I am excited to begin meeting with clients and learning more about the world of public relations and how it connects to the world of business.

When I am not at school or work, I am most likely on the lake, hanging out with friends, reading, or sleeping.

I look forward to all the projects, events, and people I will meet this summer all while being a part of a great team!

